The Importance of Your Mindset On a Bumpy Path

The Importance of Your Mindset On a Bumpy Path

Have you ever had one of those days, weeks, or months where things just kind of keep turning and changing? Your plans keep getting turned around and just as you deal with one situation it changes again. I had one of those days recently and I thought it was just my “day” only to have multiple clients come in that day dealing with the same type of day. It’s as if the Universe, God or whatever you believe in has a different plan than ours that day and these changes are guiding us. These changes are happening for us. While that situation can be frustrating in the moment, depending on what is happening, it’s important to have an open and good mindset about these bumps and changes.  

If you find yourself getting mad, sad, frustrated, and stressed out on the situation that may only make what’s happening for you worse. In fact, stress is exactly that – our habitual or automatic response to something. While we certainly don’t have to like or appreciate the change of our plan, it can be helpful to be flexible. If you find yourself going down the negative path when things are bumpy, if you can pause and change your mindset you may find yourself less stressed, accepting, and ok with what is occurring. These moments can actually be lessons for us.

I know it isn’t always easy to change your mindset. It is a practice. In fact, there are many ways you can explore changing your mindset and practicing mindfulness. If you are interested in exploring mindfulness for yourself both personally and professionally in your career, one of our educators Tiffany has created a great course providing information and tools to help you implement mindfulness in your life. Here is a quick link you can check out this CE / CEU approved Mindfulness Techniques For A Thriving Beauty or Wellness Practice Course.

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