This blog post is just as much for me as it is for you. I know this can be very busy and hectic time of year. You may have been quite busy with clients recently. Perhaps you are making plans for what to do with the last week of the year.
Today and tomorrow are holidays for those who celebrate Christmas or the following day if you celebrate Kwanzaa or Boxing Day. Whatever you celebrate or if you prefer to just pick a day to be with friends or family this is just a gentle and kind reminder to pause and be in the moment. For those of us that are business owners our minds virtually never stop being in business mode. Do your best to get out of business or work mode. Appreciate the time and the people that surround you. While we love what we do, life is really not just about our careers.
I know many people may be having a hard time right now. No matter your circumstance this time of year, I wish for you some rest, some time with friends or family and the ability to take a moment to find some gratitude for something in your life.